Hire, Train & Deploy


Hire, Train & Deploy

Hire-Train-Deploy is an extensively industry-specific service that provides customized resources ready to deploy for custom tasks or projects. An HTD service provider understands the client requirements, shortlists candidates based on the job or project description, and trains the resources to prepare them for deployment in the organization. An HTD outsource company aims at filling the gaps between corporate requirements and candidate skills for industry-specific needs.

As the IT industry is evolving, new parameters are being set for the employees to meet. But the large number of headcounts makes it difficult to train and deploy resources in-house. That’s why, we have an expert team that is always updated on latest trends, and performs efficient H2D/TD tasks for you. Simply provide us your specific requirements of skill-set and we will deliver the resource to you.

Our team of experts have high knowledge of every industry to search, filter, train and deploy the right resource in your organization. Our training and mentoring programmers include both corporate as well as customer based sessions to enable complete support right from the start.

The resource that we hire, train and deploy not only complete the given tasks on time and with quality, but also ensure to tap on any scope of improvement for adding value. This makes our workforce deployment one of the best both for short and long-term projects, globally.

We provide a technology enabled cloud-based monitoring of the entire recruitment process for you to track and stay updated on every detail of the process as required. Know who, when and how efficient is coming into your organization, all through one single dashboard personalized for your needs

At Pacific, cost efficiency is taken as one of the prioritized aspects of providing quality solutions. The training programs at our facility come at a competitive cost as compared to any other leading HTD service provider. This, along with minimal resource attrition, ensures that the business starts experiencing end-to-end cost benefits.

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​